Fandango: Distribution - Sales

A production: dispàrte and Manetti bros. Film production, with Rai Cinema

Release: 8 September

Genre: Comedy

Runtime: 91' min

Country: Italy

Directed by Niccolò Falsetti
Story Niccolò Falsetti, Francesco Turbanti
Screenplay Niccolò Falsetti, Francesco Turbanti, Tommaso Renzoni
Photography Alessandro Veridiani
Set design Vito Giuseppe Zito
Costume design Ginevra De Carolis
Editing Stefano De Marco, Roberto Di Tanna
Production coordinator Daniele Spinozzi
Casting director Davide Zurolo

with Francesco Turbanti, Emanuele Linfatti, Matteo Creatini, Valentina Carnelutti, Nicola Rignanese, Paolo Cioni, and Aurora Malianni
and with Silvia D’Amico

Grosseto, 2008. Edoardo, Iacopo, and Michele are young members of a punk rock group. Tired of playing the usual town fairs and festivals for the Communist Party newspaper l’Unità, they finally get their chance with an opportunity to open in Bologna for the famous American hardcore punk band the Defense. When the date is cancelled, the three do not give up: if they can’t go to Bologna to play with the Defense, then the Defense will come to Grosseto. But the plan turns out more difficult than planned: the paradoxes of provincial life transform every detail into an insurmountable problem, casting doubt on the enterprise’s success but also on what the three young men care most about: their friendship.